In the 1980s two organizations were formed to work together. A non-profit 501c3 Medical Research Organization that became what is now TMIT Global Corporation and a for-profit private innovation incubator that became the HCC Global Corporation. TMIT Productions produces broadcast documentaries and continuing education programs. The initiatives listed below are operated by these organizations. They each have their own web presence in order to serve their unique constituencies. For more detailed information about both organizations go to The website links for each of the initiatives are provided as well. 
TMIT Global operates the world’s longest-running Patient Safety Community of Practice in the world. In its second decade of delivering free monthly webinars, it has delivered more than 350,000 hours of continuing education. A network of more than 3,100 hospitals and 500 subject experts have collaborated with TMIT Global through patient safety, pay-for-performance, and government agency research and development in the community of practice. The TMIT Global Research Test Bed website is Global participants and collaborators may go to which was established to communicate the work globally with a less U.S. centric approach. This was requested by our non-U.S. global health partners who have health systems that differ greatly from the U.S. All certifications are delivered through CareUniversity®, a learning management system described below. Go to for more information. To have a full view of the TMIT Global team, go to the Med Tac Global website below which presents detailed bios of our leaders.

A leading cause of preventable death of children and adults is “failure to rescue” before emergency services arrive. The Med Tac Bystander Rescue Care training program equips the general public with the know-how and skills to rescue anyone for eight of the most common such emergencies before professional first responders arrive. The training includes care of sudden cardiac arrest with CPR/AED use, severe bleeding, infection prevention, care of, choking and drowning, anaphylaxis, prevention of drive-over accidents, and harm from bullying. Developed as an outgrowth of work at Texas Medical Center on domestic terrorism and active shooter events, it has been guided by collaboration with leaders at MD Anderson Cancer Center and world-class clinicians. The team is working with major medical centers, universities, schools, and faith-based organizations. Go to for more information. See the latest progress report in our Fall 2022 Executive Summary Report Video.

The Ocean Rescue community of practice builds on the success of the Med Tac Bystander Rescue Care Program and our Adopt a Cove initiative that places Rescue Stations at Southern California beaches. We fuse bystander rescue information care for water enthusiasts with the information that can help humans prevent damage to our precious ocean ecosystem. The Surf Great Surf Safe initiative includes podcasts for surfing families, surf coaches, competitors, as well as vital information for those at higher risk such as big wave surfers and those surfing in remote locations. Med Tac Minutes are short videos of less than 12 minutes that provide critical care information – that is how long it may take EMS to respond to a beach emergency in the best of locations. The Surf Safe Surf Great theme will be the subject of one of our next feature length documentaries as part of the 3 Minutes and Counting series. To win the war against failure to rescue, the battle is against time. The brain and vital organs begin to die without oxygen at 3 minutes. Depending on direct action by Good Samaritans for the emergencies we tackle, we will be either “counting graves or saves”. Click here to view out Adopt a Cove video.

We are working with international leaders, companies, and communities to provide innovations to deal with emerging threats. We are identifying, aggregating, and developing integrated solutions to reduce the harm to families. Global Threat Safety Solutions organizes tactical innovations readiness, response, rescue, recovery, and resilience.  A world-class team of clinical, information technology and legal subject matter experts are assembled for each project from a pool of over 500, developed for more than 40 years. GTSS is also developing solutions that reduce the vulnerability of individuals to the emerging threats of fraud through education, document verification, and insurance-backed legal and crisis management services to prevent and reduce harm to honest individuals and their organizations. The team is focused on reducing threats from fraudsters who are impacting the global healthcare supply chain of products, services, and technologies.

CareUniversity® integrates a state-of-the-art learning management system with certain technical features to meet the licensing requirements of every major category of healthcare professional and worker. The content is continuously curated by world-class physicians, nurses, pharmacists, educators, researchers, and lawyers. It serves all of the TMIT Global initiatives and is the platform that serves Global Threat Safety Solutions. It has also been expanded to provide online training for patients and the more than 90 million U.S. home family caregivers who are increasingly involved in the home care of major diseases.

More than 25 years ago, DNA was a new technology that began being used to prove the innocence of people falsely accused of crimes. The “new DNA” of electronic records now provides a terrific opportunity to verify the honesty and innocence of healthcare professionals and staff. It also can protect patients and families who are discredited by organizations during malpractice negotiations. The Healthcare Innocence project is developing case studies to help caregivers and patients clear their names and restore their reputations. One initiative is the generation of The Red Cover Reports for Healthcare that mirror the NTSB approach to learn from accidents after aviation and transportation incidents. The prevention of the conviction and criminalization of caregivers who unintentionally and accidentally harm patients is an important area of our work. Go to for more information.